Book 1: The Wizards and the Warriors (Chronicles of an Age of Darkness)

25th January 2021 at 5:00:pm

At the tail end of 2020 I finally decided to hunt down a book series that were on my mums bookshelf as a child, that I read back then and re...

My Experiences with building a multi-step form with VueJS

7th November 2018 at 3:00:am

Recently I saw someone asking how to achieve a simple multi-step form with modern web development practises. Of course, my mind instantly we...

Improving Pagespeed Insights Score from 0 to 75+ with Laravel

30th August 2018 at 11:00:pm

Recently I had a client contact me asking me to improve the load times of their website. After some analysis I found that the pagespeed scor...

Security Considerations for Laravel Nova Package Developers

27th August 2018 at 2:00:am

With the release of Laravel Nova, I've seen a lot of new packages being created for it this week. Unfortunately not all of them have been bu...

Introducing Throttleable

26th October 2017 at 1:20:am

My first Laravel Package is now available on Github:, I know your first thought is of Graha...

Test Driven Development, Bitbucket Pipelines and Laravel Forge

5th September 2017 at 9:16:pm

I'm currently building a web application using Laravel 5.4 as my framework and Laravel Forge as my hosting provider, utilising the awesome p...

"Without touching a line of code!"

31st October 2016 at 2:08:am

This phrase annoys me, and yet, it's everywhere. Most products and 'site builders' often include the phraseWithout touching a line of code!L...


24th February 2016 at 2:44:am

I'm becoming more minimalist recently. I find myself with the increasing urge to purge things from my life.Let's take my bedroom for example...

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